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Spoken 21s

title:Spoken 21s
download page:No link!
genre:Card Games
developer:Norman Pettus
features:text, sound, visuals
last edit by:Dark


Spoken 21s is an accessible Blackjack game for your Ios device from the same developer who bought you Spoken slots

The game has the traditional rules of Blackjack or 21s, trying to get as close to 21 as possible without going over and bust. Doubling down, sticking, hits and of course lots of betting are all part of the game as well as fun casino ambience similar to that Spoken Slots has. Also like Spoken slots, you will not find yourself needing to hock your granny in order to play sinse all the money used in the game is virtual.

The game costs just 80 P, or 99 cents in the Us Ap store, and is entirely self voicing without use of Voiceover. Note that the free version of the game does not speak what cards you are dealt, so is not accessible, though at such a low price the game isn't likely to break your bank, (it's left up to the dealer at the virtual Blackjack table to do that).


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Updates: entry 2 Feb 22 and description 2 Feb 22

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